Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hopelessly Optimistic

345.jpg image by PegHaustI think I'm going to live forever.  It rarely occurs to me that someday I will actually be old let alone dead! I hear women my age say they're old; facebook posts commenting on how it's not fun on the other side of 40 and posting funny Maxine comics to make the point.  On occasion, I will catch myself thinking: "Oh God, its coming for me too!" Sometimes I ask myself: "Wow, am I delusionally optimistic? Is it just me who thinks that life is just beginning? That there are no limitations for what we can accomplish no matter what age?  But then suddenly, the Universe will have a message for me; Alas, the story of the 100 year old man that just ran a marathon! One Hundred Years Old People; One Hundred Years!  Which reminds me, have you seen the X Factor this year? Watch some fabulous talent this season, 49 and 60 year "olds" and others well beyond the "typical age" for success. It is then that I feel instant relief. I am NOT the only one! Delusionally optimistic? HELL NO! Hopelessly Optimistic? Absolutely! Someone once told me that there was no hope for my optimism. He was right!
YES, There are those out there with the will and the courage to shine no matter what age. They have the will and the courage despite seemingly impossible obstacles, fears, failures, mistakes, pains, traumas, broken hearts, broken promises, being told can't, being told won't, being told shouldn't, buying into some crazy notion of not being enough or it's too late.  Oooh, but wait, It can be scary to shine, yes? People think: "Who do you think you are?" As Marianne Williamson, so eloquently wrote:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our lightness not our darkness that most frightens us."    
Are you allowing fear or your age to imprison all that is within you?  I do sometimes, but I remember the words of a very wise coach simply yet powerfully advising me: "Just say F it! really loud when the fear creeps in," or "shhh, soften it" when doubt sneaks in. (Seriously, that works)
So, PLEASE, don't be afraid to shine because being afraid to shine is being afraid to live and being afraid to live is death to your spirit. It's the beginning and the end of your aging process.  Give to others your warmth, your humor, your strength that is unique to you. Watch, you might even breath some fire into them and that's the real gift!  Stand up for a cause, if you don't have one get one! Speak for what you believe in with respect and kindness. Share your uniqeness! Don't mistake confidence for arrogance within yourself or others. Remember, your energy is either contagious and age defying or contagious and age magnifying.  Choose wisely.
Lv P
PS:  Because of this post, I decided to walk the talk. I did post a new pic that I was reluctant to post on my blogger profile. After all, what would people think of me in that crazy green dress! "F it" I did it anyway! :)
PSS:  The irony! Just after writing this we watched The Green Lantern. Green represented our will. The message: Don't let fear out will you. I think green is my new favorite color!